Recycle for Rehab
Appropriate Paper-based Technology

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Published Research - journal articles, click title to open
Thinking outside the cardboard box: insights from a course to train rural Kenyans to make postural support devices from appropriate paper-based technology (APT) for children with cerebral palsy. Lindoewood R, Bracegirdle C, Samia P.
Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2019;1:1–7.
The efficacy of appropriate paper-based technology for Kenyan children with cerebral palsy,
Catherine Barton , John Buckley , Pauline Samia , Fiona Williams , Suzan R. Taylor & Rachel Lindoewood
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 2020
Click here to see Kenyan study presented at the Internationalconference of Evidence in Global Disability and Health, Hyderabad, india 2019.
Click here to see Sustainable seating and standing solutions for childen with disabiites using appropriate paper-based technology
Catherine Barton, Racel Lindoewood, Pauline Samia. UK 2021